Does your state have an official state reptile? If not, and you are a turtle lover who loves to start crusades, then why not nominate the turtle as your state’s official reptile?
There are already twenty-six states that have such designations. And of these eighteen have chosen a turtle or tortoise for this honor. Here is a list of these designations:
Alabama Alabama red-bellied turtle
California Desert tortoise
Colorado Western painted turtle
Florida Loggerhead sea turtle
Florida Gopher tortoise
Georgia Gopher tortoise
Illinois Painted turtle
Kansas Ornate box turtle
Maryland Diamondback terrapin
Michigan Painted turtle
Missouri Three-toed box turtle
Nevada Desert tortoise
New York Common snapping turtle
North Carolina Eastern box turtle
Ohio Northern black racer
South Carolina Loggerhead sea turtle
Tennessee Eastern box turtle
Vermont Painted turtle
As you can see Florida chose to have both an official turtle and tortoise. Way to go Florida! The painted turtle has been the most popular. It has been honored in four states. Vermont’s official proclamation for the painted turtle begins: "Whereas, the painted turtle is a hard worker and can withstand cold temperatures like the citizens of Vermont, and Whereas, the colors of the painted turtle represent the beauty of our state in autumn, and Whereas, the painted turtle is one of the most common turtles in Vermont, and
Whereas, the painted turtle adds to the diversity of Vermont's habitat..."
There have recently been attempts in Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Virginia to have turtles officially designated as state symbols.
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